At Bounceagogo we have for some time wanted to attract Ofsted Registered Childminders and Nannies into our sessions and thankfully that has now started to happen. We have wanted to do this as over the first month or so we were open we noticed that when Nannies and Childminders told other Nannies/Childminders and parents about us they acted on what they were told and then came to a Bounceagogo session or booked a party. Brilliant. Basically Nannies and Childminders are good for business.

It has always been a marketing approach that myself and Charlottes have used in our business lives that to get the’ biggest bang for our (marketing) buck’ we’d always advertise in places where you’d find the highest concentration of the chosen target market. As many of you have been aware we have heavily utilised Facebook Selling pages as this where a high concentration of our target market can be found .i.e. local mums with young children. But we wanted also to attract Ofsted Registered Nannies/Childminders as they seemed to have a ‘trusted voice’. So, to try and get the biggest bang for our marketing buck we decided to start to contact local Nanny Agencies to see if there was any common ground and if we could promote what we do to there Nannies, especially as we offer a reduce rate to Nannies and Childminders. In return we’d offer them the opportunity to utilise bounceagogo’s different platforms to promote there services.

I got in touch with 5 local agencies thinking that this was going to easy. I thought we had a good offer and its easy to implement on both sides. I made contact with 5 local agencies via Facebook and e-mail and none of them got back to me. I wasn’t sure if there was something wrong with my computer or somehow after all these years of using facebook and e-mail that I had randomly got it wrong or forgotten how to use them correctly. The 6th and final agency that I got in touch with (whilst doubting my ability to use electronic communication) was Brilliant Nannies. Brilliant Nannies is an agency based in Teddington and for a couple of months I had spotted them coming up on various selling pages and in my facebook news feed. The big difference with Brilliant Nannies is that they got back to me straight away which reassured me that I hadn’t forgotten how to use common forms of e-communication. Just this fact alone was a massive tick in the box for me. As with any small business, if a good opportunity to promote your business comes up that is also free then you have to act on it. As an example, I contact another small business 6 weeks ago to ask them if they felt there was any common ground between us and if we could do anything in partnership. I initially spoke to them on the phone and they appeared to be a little ‘stand off’ish’. We agreed I’d send them some info via e-mail and a link to the bounceagogo site which I duly did to only get a response this morning saying that they finally read what I’d sent over, thought that the site looked great and would I still like to do something together. Well no frankly. Why would I want to work with any small business that take 6 weeks to respond to an e-mail. As is the case for nearly every small business there is rarely enough time, money, resources or expertise at your disposal to make everything that you want to happen, happen. The fact that Brilliant Nannies has already swapped with me links and content so that we can reciprocally start to promote what we do is basically ‘Brilliant!

I can tell you already that the people at Brilliant Nannies really do care about the Nannies, Babysitters, Families and Children that they work with. Such characterists are not just good business practice but of most importantly demonstrate that they are ‘Good People’.  For each of there services I cannot recommend them highly enough. Whether you are looking for and Nannie or Babysitter or are looking for a career change and want to became a Nannie or Babysitter (or are already a Nannie/Babysitter) the give them a call or drop them an e-mail (they will response quickly and not take 6 weeks).

Therefore, on every level we are happy to count Brilliant Nannies as one of our partners. We have a similar get up and go mentality which means only good thing are going to happen between our two business’s. Good times…….