We are Just Better

Wow. Now that is a big statement!

But you know what, as far as we are concerned here at Bounceagogo HQ, its true!

This is not to say that we get it absolutely right every single time (Although we do try). For us, everyday is a ‘School Day’, we like to think that with every new day and every new booking we are learning all the time. This approach of constant review and learning is what helps us keep our standards as high as they are.

I could go on and list all the different points that we feel makes us different from all our competitors (Great venues & facilities, brilliant play equipment, Waitrose Catering and Costa Coffee) but apart from what is obvious, Bounceagogo is full of intangibles. From the moment you walk through the door there is lots that you’ll see/feel that you’ll instantly realise separates us from the rest of the market. But all of the other great ‘stuff’ that we do is based on a ‘Nuanced’ approached to party management and delivery, quite unlike what the rest of the industry is doing.

Not only is what we do different to the rest of the industry as the title suggests, in our opinion ‘Its just Better’. Over the next few weeks look out for further posts that detail what we are doing to differentiate ourselves from everyone else. You’ll read that we not about empty boasts but all about delivering consistently high quality children’s parties and exceeding our customer expectations!

If you would like to find out more about Bounceagogo and the children’s parties that we offer then write to us via our Contact Us page or call 07841 748359.